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Social Networking While Abroad: Twitter

February 2, 2011

I recently got inspired by my Journalism 2.0 class to open a Twitter account.  I had heard a lot of good things about twitter, but I couldn´t  figure out how it all worked.  Yesterday, I spent the whole day on twitter figuring out how to use it, and just why everyone loves it.  First, it is the best way to stay up to date on news around the world.  Being abroad makes it very easy to ignore the outside world and not be involved in current events, especially because all the news papers are in spanish.  I found it amazing in minutes I had started to follow three different news sources and had the most recent news on Egypt.  Second, it’s easy to get lost on twitter.  You click on one page, then on another and another and suddenly you are at a whole new topic that is fascinating.  Third, Twitter seems more mature.  People use the term ¨stalking¨ when referring to their Facebook use.  I would never use stalking while talking about my time on Twitter.  Twitter seems more serious, it’s about your interests and your life, but not necessarily about your personal life.  I predict that Twitter will be the new Facebook very soon, considering that Facebook has started being hacked and that is the same reason why MySpace went down.  I am interested in learning more about Twitter so if anyone has any tips please let me know!

facebook Facebook es el sitio donde los usuarios pasan más tiempo

7 Comments leave one →
  1. February 2, 2011 4:28 pm

    Welcome to the Twitter matrix! It is an excellent news source. I suggest using Hootsuite to manage your social media profiles. You can set up multiple streams to monitor and can add your FB, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. You can also post from Hootsuite and they will shorten your links and track your posts. Let me know if you have any questions. Also, what’s your twitter name? Mine is hilwhite1. See you on Twitter!!

    • February 9, 2011 3:51 pm

      I just got a hootsuite. That is possibly the most helpful thing. I can look at my twitter, facebook, and wordpress all at once and I can post on tehm all! Thank you so much.

  2. February 3, 2011 4:32 pm

    I am looking into hootsuite right now, it looks interesting I will give it a try. I am interested in making a LinkendIn account do you think I would like it or use it? I am following you on Twitter and my name is Krysia Johnstone

  3. pipo serrano permalink
    February 9, 2011 12:05 am

    I am enjoying a lot with your posts and your blog!! thanks Krysia!!

  4. Katia permalink
    February 10, 2011 11:44 am

    1. I like how mom is totally influencing your social media experience (way to go dre!). It’s awesome that you can stay updated so easily on twitter, I think that’s why social media networks have changed the world so much. You don’t think facebook and twitter can live together, side by side? I feel like even though they’re used for similar purposes, that twitter could not replace facebook (especially since twitter has no pictures and have the fun of facebook is creepily stalking people). anyway just a thought. I like your posts! keep em coming!

  5. February 10, 2011 10:30 pm

    The life of Facebook post can be a few days, a tweet is like a snowdrop, it disappears almost instantly. FB and Twitter are like a married couple….and FB might buy Twitter. If they did, their combined net worth would be between $8-$10 BILLION. Twitter is an excellent source of information, come join us….

    • February 14, 2011 6:39 pm

      Do you think that facebook could survive without twitter? or vice-versa? My understanding is that facebook has taken a few things from twitter. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy them both and use them for different purposes, but it seems that through out the years of social media there has been one main site for each generation and that is my reasoning for thinking that they cannot coexist.

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